Advanced Field Theory
Content of the course

The course treats several advanced topics in quantum field theory, a sound understanding of which is a necessary foundation for research in elementary particle physics, astroparticle physics and cosmolgy. It broadly covers chiral symmetry, anomalies in field theories, chiral perturbation theory, topological objects in field theory, and related topics from cosmology.


Quantum Field Theory I (or equivalent) is a prerequisite for this course (if you haven't covered the material there you will mostly not understand what this course is about). Quantum Field Theory II is also highly recommended (especially so the topics of regularization and renormalization) but you can also follow it in parallel with this one.


There is no testat for the course, i.e. there is no prerequisite for taking the exam. You are all, of course, warmly invited to participate in the exercise classes.

The exercises for each lecture will be introduced after the lecture. Those interested should hand in the solutions one week later. Two weeks later they'll get them back, corrected, and we'll ask one of you to type in the solutions. Those solutions will be available below, as part of the studying material.

Lectures, notes and exercises

21 FEB
Introduction, chiral symmetry, dimensional regularization lecture notes | exercises
28 FEB
Axial anomaly lecture notes | exercises
Chiral symmetry in QCD lecture notes | exercises
14 MAR
The sigma model lecture notes | exercises
21 MAR
Chiral perturbation theory lecture notes | exercises and solutions
28 MAR
The theta vacuum and the axion lecture notes | exercises
11 APR
Instantons lecture notes | exercises
18 APR
Topological objects lecture notes | exercises
Phase transitions in the early universe lecture notes | exercises
16 MAY
Phase transitions in the early universe II lecture notes | exercises
30 MAY
Inflation lecture notes
Question session, 9.00am, HIT K52
Achilleas Lazopoulos

Teaching Assistant
Julián Cancino

Time & place
HIT F 32
