Mauro Donegà About Research Teaching Mentoring Outreach Resources


Advanced Physics Laboratories (P3/P4)
Experimental Foundations of Particle Physics ETHZ
Higgs Physics ETHZ
Statistical Methods and Analysis Techniques ETHZ


HEP Data Analysis

Summer schools:

2014 Higgs Physics - Zuoz (CH)
2016 Higgs Physics - ITEP School (RU) - Best teacher prize

A collection of HEP slides:

Experimental Foundations of the Standard Model
Basic relativistic kinematics
Passage of particles through matter
Structure of a HEP analysis
Structure of a HEP paper
LEP electroweak fits
Higgs Signal Strengths, STXS, and Fiducial Differentials cross sections

Are you interested in working with us for a Semesterarbeit, a Master thesis or a Phd ?
Just drop me a line for an informal chat.

Completed Semester projects:

M. Franzke - "Studies on constraints on VHbb anomalous couplings using Effective Field Theory approach"
with A. Calandri - FS22 Semester project
A. Oliver - "Low energy electrons calibration using a data driven approach, case study for CMS detector"
with Dr. S. Pigazzini HS22 - Semester project
M. Mantovani - "Validating the Performance of Conditional Normalizing Flows" / with Dr. D. Valsecchi FS23 - Semester project
Y. Maidannyk - "Jet-parton tagging with transformers for ttH(bb) semileptonic analysis" / with Dr. D. Valsecchi FS23 - Semester project
T. Fluhmann - "Investigating the use of normalizing flows for electromagnetic shower corrections in CMS." / with M. Galli - HS23 Semester project
M. Jeanfavre - "Flavour tagging efficiency parametrisation using Graph Neural Networks" / with A. Calandri - FS24 Semester project
R. Cirrincione - "Comparison between legacy and graph-network-based reconstruction of electrons and photons in the CMS ECAL" / with Dr. D. Valsecchi - FS24 Semester Project
M. Croci - "HH->4b analysis at CMS with LHC Run 3 data: improving the reconstructed 4b signal final state pairing efficiency to Higgs boson candidate" / with Dr. A. Calandri - FS24 Semester project
N. Feci - "Parametrized Classifiers for Effective Field Theory likelihood ratios" / with D. Valsecchi - FS24 Semester Project
F. Ammirati - Normalizing Flows validations for ttHbb measurements" / with D. Valsecchi - FS 24 Semester project