A collection of resources that I keep updating mainly for my own pleasure, that might be interesting to others.
Books I had, and some I would have like to have, when I was a student:
- Introduction to Linear Algebra - Gilbert Strang
- Thermodynamics - Enrico Fermi
- Theoretical Minimum: Classical Mechanics - Leonard Susskind
- Theoretical Minimum: Special Relativity and Classical Field theory - Leonard Susskind
- Theoretical Minimum: Quantum Mechanics - Leonard Susskind
- Modern Quantum Mechanics - J.J. Sakurai
- Introduction to Elementary Particles - David Griffiths
- Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics - Alessandro Bettini
- Facts and Mysteries in Elementary Particle Physics - Martinus Veltman
- Modern Particle Physics - Mark Thomson
- Modern Elementary Particle Physics - Gordon Kane
- The Experimental Foundations of Particle Physics - Robert Cahn, Gerson Goldhaber
- Statistics for nuclear and particle physicists - Louis Lyons
- Statistical Data Analysis - Glen Cowan
- Bayesian Reasoning in Data Analysis - Giulio D'Agostini
- The Feynman Lectures on Physics - online
- Theoretical Minimum - Leonard Susskind
Future of HEP:
- The Higgs boson turns ten - G. Salam, G. Zanderighi, L.T. Wang
- China should not build a supercollider at this time - C.N. Yang
- Why China should build the Great Collider: A response to C. N. Yang - D. Gross
- In for the long haul - Nima Arkani-Hamed
Books general public:
- The chemical history of a candle - Michael Faraday
- The character of the physical law - Richard Feynman
- Thirty years that shook physics - George Gamow
- QED - Richard Feynman
- The joy of x - Steven Strogatz
- Infinite powers - Steven Strogatz
- The theory that would not die (Bayes theorem) - Sharon McGrayne
Biographies and history:
- Learning About Particles - 50 Privileged Years Jack Steinberger
- Sidney Coleman's Harvard Howard Georgi
- From my vast repertoire... Guido Altarelli - Stefano Forte, Giovanni Ridolfi
- Enrico Fermi fisico - Emilio Segre`
- Genius - The life and science of Richard Feynman - James Gleick
- J. Robert Oppenheimer: A Life- Abraham Pais
- Surely you're joking Mr. Feynman - Richard Feynman
- Personaggi e scoperte della fisica - Emilio Segre`
List of physics related resources for everybody:
Animations and demontrations
- Physics Animations (flash)
- Penn Physics and Astronomy (podcast)
- Berkeley physics demonstrations
- Hyperphysics
- Mechanical cyclotron - Lawrence
- Falstad simulations applets
High school teachers
Newton papers