ihixs documentation

Running the code

The various features of ihixs are controlled by an input runcard, an ascii file than is edited by the user. To run with a given runcard as input type in the installation directory:

./ihixs -i runcard_name -o output_filename

In case no runcard is given, the program runs on the default card (called `runcard') in the installation directory. When no output filename is given, the program writes the output in runcard_name.out.

The output consists of the total cross sections per perturbative order in QCD, together with the corresponding Monte-Carlo errors achieved and the PDF errors. Those are set to zero if no PDF uncertainty is requested in the runcard. The input runcard is also appended.

Setting options and variables

In the runcard anything after a hash symbol,`#', is considered as a comment and is ignored. The following options are available: