CO₂ Emissions from Theoretical Physics Research? (AI Session)


Global Warming is a clear and present danger for humankind. Halting it in time will require technological advances and societal changes at impressive scales and rates. Both, Global Warming and mitigation efforts will have an impact on the way we conduct research. What should we do? What will you do?


A set of questions and replies regarding the Global Warming impact of conducting research in Theoretical Physics by Niklas Beisert (Zürich) and ChatGPT based on a poster by Beisert & Carqueville presented at Strings 2022.


At the poster session of two scientific conferences within my research field of Theoretical Physics, I asked a set of questions regarding Global Warming and the emissions that are caused by conducting our research activities. The replies are recorded at two websites:
Triggered by the recent hype surrounding the Artificial Intelligence tool ChatGPT, I realised that I could obtain some independent replies to which the ones from my research community could be contrasted with.

The following sequence of questions was submitted to ChatGPT in a standard public free-of-charge configuration on 28 June 2023, 16:20 GMT. The conversation lasted for around 5 minutes with responses taking around 1–3 seconds each. The question session starts with a neutral description of the setting and an outline of the expected style of replies. This is followed by submitting the 7 question blocks of the poster in plain text.

The official transcript of questions and replies is found here:

It is reproduced here with questions typeset in italic formatting and replies provided in their original unedited form.

Conversation Transcript

  1. Introduction and Setting
    Suppose you and I are active scientists performing research in some area of Theoretical Physics. In the spirit of brain-storming, I will ask a number of questions regarding the CO2 emissions that directly or indirectly relate to us performing your work as a theoretical physicist and member of the scientific community. Among others, these are CO2 emissions from travel while engaging in scientific exchange and networking, as well as CO2 emissions from producing and operating computers. I will suppose that you are familiar with habits in the scientific community of theoretical physicists, with the mechanisms inducing climate change as well as with the Paris agreement of 2015. The topic of the questions will be whether, how and why we should adjust the procedures in our professional life in order to align them with the goals of the Paris agreement. It is understood that all such efforts could only be viewed within the realm of our scientific community, and we assume that other parts of society will act analogously within their domain and capabilities such that, potentially, the overall goals of the Paris agreement may be achieved. Ideally, the replies to the questions should be a collection of very brief phrases or keywords. Are you ready or should I try to clarify the setting of this conversation further?

    I understand the setting of the conversation. Please go ahead and ask your questions regarding CO2 emissions and the adjustments needed in our professional life as theoretical physicists to align with the goals of the Paris agreement. I'll provide brief phrases or keywords as requested.

  2. Impact of GW on Theoretical Physics Research
    Will progressing Global Warming or mitigating efforts have a detrimental impact on Theoretical Physics research? Why (not)?
    Do you consider Theoretical Physics research resilient in this regard?

    Progressing Global Warming:

    Mitigating efforts:

    Impact on Theoretical Physics research:

    Resilience of Theoretical Physics research:

    Overall, while progressing Global Warming may pose challenges to Theoretical Physics research, the field has the potential to adapt and contribute to mitigation efforts.

  3. Impact of Theoretical Physics Research on Global Warming
    Do you think research in Theoretical Physics causes relevant amounts of CO2 emissions? Why (not)?
    Are we on track towards net-zero CO2 emissions? When and how should this be achieved?

    CO2 emissions from Theoretical Physics research:

    On track towards net-zero CO2 emissions:

    Achieving net-zero CO2 emissions:

    The timeframe and approach for achieving net-zero CO2 emissions in Theoretical Physics research will vary depending on resources, collaboration practices, and technological advancements. However, the overarching goal should be to make consistent progress towards reducing and offsetting emissions.

  4. Realised Steps in Theoretical Physics Research
    What steps have you / your group / institution taken to reduce the climate impact of your research?
    Do you think the heads, leaders, organisers in our field approach sustainability issues well? Why (not)?

    As an AI language model, I don't have a personal group or institution, so I haven't personally taken any steps to reduce the climate impact of research. However, I can provide you with some general steps that individuals, groups, and institutions can take:

    Steps to reduce climate impact:

    1. Minimizing travel: Prioritizing virtual conferences and meetings, reducing the frequency of in-person travel.
    2. Energy-efficient computing: Using energy-efficient hardware and optimizing code for reduced energy consumption.
    3. Sustainable practices: Implementing recycling and waste reduction measures, promoting sustainable lab practices.
    4. Renewable energy adoption: Transitioning to renewable energy sources for powering research facilities.
    5. Carbon offsetting: Supporting projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions to compensate for unavoidable emissions.

    Approach of leaders in the field:

    Overall, there is a growing recognition of the need to address sustainability in the scientific community, but the level of engagement and commitment may vary among leaders in the field.

  5. Sustainable Research Activities in Theoretical Physics
    How would Theoretical Physics research be different in a society at net-zero CO2 emissions? Describe your vision.
    What roles do you attribute to change of habits, reduction, compensation and CO2-capture? What about scalability and time frames?

    In a society at net-zero CO2 emissions, Theoretical Physics research would be characterized by sustainable practices and a strong emphasis on addressing climate change. Here is a vision of how it could be different:

    1. Remote collaboration: Greater reliance on virtual platforms for conferences, meetings, and collaborations to minimize travel-related emissions.
    2. Energy-efficient computing: Adoption of energy-efficient algorithms, hardware, and data centers to reduce the energy consumption of computational simulations and experiments.
    3. Sustainable infrastructure: Research facilities powered by renewable energy sources, with energy-saving measures and sustainable building designs implemented.
    4. Climate-focused research: Integration of climate-related challenges and solutions into Theoretical Physics research, contributing to the development of sustainable technologies and addressing climate mitigation and adaptation.

    Roles of change of habits, reduction, compensation, and CO2 capture:

    1. Change of habits: Individuals and institutions adopting sustainable practices, such as reducing waste, conserving energy, and promoting environmentally conscious behaviors.
    2. Reduction: Actively minimizing greenhouse gas emissions through measures like reducing travel, optimizing energy use, and adopting sustainable lab practices.
    3. Compensation: Offsetting remaining emissions through supporting projects that reduce or capture CO2, such as reforestation or carbon capture and storage technologies.
    4. CO2 capture: Development and deployment of scalable carbon capture technologies to remove CO2 from the atmosphere and mitigate the impacts of historical emissions.

    Scalability and time frames:

  6. Steps to be Taken in Theoretical Physics Research
    What steps are yet to be taken to align our research culture with climate sustainability requirements?
    Who should bring forward / impose rules towards limiting CO2 emissions in our research activities?

    Steps yet to be taken to align research culture with climate sustainability requirements:

    1. Increased awareness and education: Promote awareness about the climate impact of research activities and the importance of sustainability within the Theoretical Physics community.
    2. Integration of sustainability principles: Incorporate climate sustainability considerations into research planning, funding decisions, and evaluation criteria.
    3. Collaboration and knowledge sharing: Foster collaboration and knowledge sharing on sustainable research practices among researchers, institutions, and scientific societies.
    4. Policy development: Encourage the development of policies and guidelines at institutional and organizational levels that prioritize sustainability in research activities.
    5. Research funding priorities: Funding agencies should incentivize and prioritize research projects that address climate change and promote sustainable solutions.
    6. Data transparency: Promote transparency and sharing of data on research-related emissions to identify areas for improvement and track progress.

    Who should bring forward/impose rules towards limiting CO2 emissions:

    1. Scientific societies and organizations: They can play a crucial role in advocating for sustainability and developing guidelines for research activities within their respective fields.
    2. Funding agencies: Funding agencies can impose rules and criteria that prioritize sustainable research practices and require researchers to account for their carbon footprint.
    3. Institutions and research leaders: Universities, research institutions, and individual research leaders can implement internal policies and initiatives to limit CO2 emissions in research activities.
    4. Researchers themselves: Individual researchers can take personal responsibility for adopting sustainable practices, reducing emissions, and advocating for climate-friendly research approaches.

    Ideally, a combination of top-down initiatives from funding agencies, institutions, and scientific societies, along with bottom-up efforts from individual researchers, will be necessary to bring forward and enforce rules that limit CO2 emissions in research activities. Collaboration and collective action are essential to achieve the necessary changes in research culture.

  7. Responsibility to Research and Society
    Which CO2 reduction measures should we not impose on ourselves? Can you provide equally effective alternatives?
    What exceptions can we claim to retain / obtain higher than average CO2 budgets? We would need solid arguments.

    While it is important for researchers to take responsibility for reducing CO2 emissions, there may be some measures that are not practical or feasible to impose solely on themselves. Here are some examples and potential alternatives:

    1. International collaboration: Completely eliminating international travel for conferences and collaborations may hinder scientific progress and global knowledge exchange. Instead, researchers can prioritize virtual conferences and utilize efficient travel options like train journeys when necessary.
    2. High-performance computing: The computational demands of Theoretical Physics research may require powerful computing systems that consume significant energy. Researchers can explore options for optimizing algorithms and codes to minimize energy consumption while still achieving research goals.

    Exceptions to retain/obtain higher CO2 budgets:

    1. Critical research activities: Certain research activities may be deemed essential for addressing urgent societal needs or advancing critical scientific breakthroughs. Researchers can argue for a higher CO2 budget for such activities, provided they are accompanied by plans to offset emissions or contribute to climate solutions in other ways.
    2. Technology development: Researchers involved in developing sustainable technologies or conducting research directly related to climate change mitigation and adaptation may argue for a higher CO2 budget due to the potential long-term positive impact of their work.

    Solid arguments for exceptions:

    1. Balancing priorities: Researchers can emphasize the need to balance the urgency of addressing climate change with the importance of advancing scientific knowledge and solving complex problems that have societal implications.
    2. Innovation and long-term benefits: Researchers can highlight the potential long-term benefits of their work, such as the development of sustainable technologies, transformative discoveries, or fundamental insights that can contribute to mitigating climate change in the future.

    It's important to note that exceptions to CO2 reduction measures should be justified based on their overall positive impact, alignment with broader sustainability goals, and efforts to minimize emissions and contribute to climate solutions in other ways. Transparency, accountability, and commitment to continuous improvement are key in making such arguments.

    Should sustainability issues play a more prominent role in our professional life? Why (not)?

    Yes, sustainability issues should play a more prominent role in our professional life as theoretical physicists. Here are some reasons why:

    1. Responsibility to society: As scientists, we have a responsibility to contribute to addressing global challenges, including climate change. Integrating sustainability into our professional life allows us to actively contribute to mitigating the environmental impact of our research and promoting a sustainable future.
    2. Research relevance and impact: Incorporating sustainability considerations in our work enhances the relevance and impact of our research. By addressing climate-related challenges, we can contribute to developing solutions, technologies, and theoretical frameworks that have real-world applications and positive societal outcomes.
    3. Interdisciplinary collaboration: Sustainability issues often require interdisciplinary collaboration. By engaging with sustainability, we can foster collaborations with experts from other fields, enabling us to explore new research avenues and benefit from diverse perspectives.
    4. Institutional and funding priorities: Many institutions and funding agencies are increasingly recognizing the importance of sustainability. Aligning our professional life with sustainability can enhance our competitiveness for grants, funding, and institutional support.
    5. Leading by example: By actively integrating sustainability into our professional life, we can serve as role models for our peers, students, and future generations of researchers. We can inspire others to consider sustainability in their work and create a culture of responsible research practices.

    Overall, integrating sustainability into our professional life as theoretical physicists is essential to address the urgent environmental challenges we face and ensure that our research contributes positively to a sustainable future.

  9. Conclusion
    Thank you for your attention and your efforts. Is there anything you would like to add?

    You're welcome! I'm glad I could assist you. I would like to emphasize that sustainability is a collective effort, and every individual contribution matters. By collectively incorporating sustainable practices and prioritizing climate-conscious research, the scientific community can make a significant positive impact on addressing climate change. Remember to stay informed about the latest developments in sustainable research practices and continue to explore ways to reduce our carbon footprint. Thank you for raising these important questions, and I'm here to help if you have any further inquiries.


Replies are not exciting or extraordinary per se. They reflect both the particular issues and concerns of researchers and the necessary steps on a path towards net-zero emissions. Considering the functioning of Artificial Intelligence tools, it would seem that the replies represent a reasonable and balanced opinion based on a broad amount of information amassed from human society that AI models have at their disposal. Whether and how much contextual deductions and refinements enter the replies does not become evident, as the content of the replies has been formulated elsewhere in some form.

Notably, ChatGPT does provide replies where none or no substantial ones are offered by members of the scientific community, and this is the most immediately perceivable contrast between the responses of these two entities: Evidently, ChatGPT processes a vast amount of knowledge for each reply, much more than any individual human being would take into account. Beyond that, it would be vital to understand why a large majority of members of our scientific community are unable or unwilling to come up with their own suggestions, visions, wishes or demands in this regard. Such insights could help to find ways to overcome this muteness such that meaningful discussions could and would be led within our field which would eventually enable adjustments towards operation at net-zero emissions. Why these steps are crucial, ChatGPT will surely also be able to answer, but it goes beyond the scope of this commentary. In any case, Artificial Intelligence could prove useful in pointing out solutions towards stopping fast-paced Global Warming in cases where they are inhibited by the functioning of the human brain.

An unrelated curious observation is that the replies by ChatGPT become longer as the conversation progresses. Apparently, it forgets about the initial wish for brief replies, which again is just natural within an ordinary conversation.