ESI workshop on
Quantum Field Theory on Curved Space-times
and Curved Target Spaces

22 -- 26 March 2010


10.00--11.00 14.30--15.30 16.00--17.00
Monday 22 March         I. Runkel        
Tuesday 23 March T. Gannon H. Olbermann        
Wednesday 24 March N. Nikolov T. Gannon
Thursday 25 March D. Kreimer C. Dappiaggi R. Wald
Friday 26 March K. Fredenhagen M. Salmhofer


C. Dappiaggi Beyond the Event Horizon: the Hadamard Property of the Unruh State
K. Fredenhagen       A Forest Formula for Epstein-Glaser Renormalization
T. Gannon The Exoticness and Realisability of Haagerup-Izumi Modular Data
T. Gannon Modular Invariants and Twisted Equivariant K-theory
D. Kreimer Powercounting in Quantum Gravity
N. Nikolov Field Equations in Vertex Algebras
H. Olbermann Vertex Algebras in Quantum Field Theory
I. Runkel Conformal Field Theory with Boundaries
M. Salmhofer Trees in Wilsonian Renormalization
R. Wald Self-Force and Back-Reaction on a Classical Point Charge

Stefan Hollands (Cardiff), Matthias Gaberdiel (ETH Zürich),
Volker Schomerus (DESY Hamburg), Jakob Yngvason (ESI)

The program will take place at the Erwin Schrödinger Institute.