# Copyright (c) 2017, 2018 ETH Zurich, Luca Tortorelli # Single Epoch Catalogues in FITS format obtained from SExtractor dual image mode run on PAUS simulated images (*sim.detect.del_edge.sexcat). # Source detection is performed using COSMOS Subaru simulated images. # Sources which are less than 200 pixels from edges of each image are removed. # Photometric zero-points and seeing FWHM for SExtractor runs are taken from the PAUdm using the information of # the exposure number + ccd number (production ID 680). # Catalogue filenames have the same structure of reduced images filenames. # We also include the input UFig catalogues (*gal.cat) for each image. # Source Extractor Catalogues Parameters: NUMBER #Running object number FLUX_ISO #Isophotal flux [count] FLUXERR_ISO #RMS error for isophotal flux [count] MAG_ISO #Isophotal magnitude [mag] MAGERR_ISO #RMS error for isophotal magnitude [mag] FLUX_ISOCOR #Corrected isophotal flux [count] FLUXERR_ISOCOR #RMS error for corrected isophotal flux [count] MAG_ISOCOR #Corrected isophotal magnitude [mag] MAGERR_ISOCOR #RMS error for corrected isophotal magnitude [mag] FLUX_APER(5) #Flux vector within fixed circular aperture(s) [count] FLUXERR_APER(5) #RMS error vector for aperture flux(es) [count] MAG_APER(5) #Fixed aperture magnitude vector [mag] MAGERR_APER(5) #RMS error vector for fixed aperture mag. [mag] FLUX_AUTO #Flux within a Kron-like elliptical aperture [count] FLUXERR_AUTO #RMS error for AUTO flux [count] MAG_AUTO #Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude [mag] MAGERR_AUTO #RMS error for AUTO magnitude [mag] FLUX_PETRO #Flux within a Petrosian-like elliptical aperture [count] FLUXERR_PETRO #RMS error for PETROsian flux [count] MAG_PETRO #Petrosian-like elliptical aperture magnitude [mag] MAGERR_PETRO #RMS error for PETROsian magnitude [mag] FLUX_BEST #Best of FLUX_AUTO and FLUX_ISOCOR [count] FLUXERR_BEST #RMS error for BEST flux [count] MAG_BEST #Best of MAG_AUTO and MAG_ISOCOR [mag] MAGERR_BEST #RMS error for MAG_BEST [mag] FLUX_WIN #Gaussian-weighted flux [count] FLUXERR_WIN #RMS error for WIN flux [count] MAG_WIN #Gaussian-weighted magnitude [mag] MAGERR_WIN #RMS error for MAG_WIN [mag] KRON_RADIUS #Kron apertures in units of A or B PETRO_RADIUS #Petrosian apertures in units of A or B BACKGROUND #Background at centroid position [count] THRESHOLD #Detection threshold above background [count] FLUX_MAX #Peak flux above background [count] ISOAREA_IMAGE #Isophotal area above Analysis threshold [pixel**2] XPEAK_IMAGE #x-coordinate of the brightest pixel [pixel] YPEAK_IMAGE #y-coordinate of the brightest pixel [pixel] XWIN_IMAGE #Windowed position estimate along x [pixel] YWIN_IMAGE #Windowed position estimate along y [pixel] ALPHAWIN_J2000 #Windowed right ascension (J2000) [deg] DELTAWIN_J2000 #windowed declination (J2000) [deg] X2WIN_IMAGE #Windowed variance along x [pixel**2] Y2WIN_IMAGE #Windowed variance along y [pixel**2] XYWIN_IMAGE #Windowed covariance between x and y [pixel**2] AWIN_IMAGE #Windowed profile RMS along major axis [pixel] BWIN_IMAGE #Windowed profile RMS along minor axis [pixel] THETAWIN_IMAGE #Windowed position angle (CCW/x) [deg] MU_THRESHOLD #Detection threshold above background [mag * arcsec**(-2)] MU_MAX #Peak surface brightness above background [mag * arcsec**(-2)] FLAGS #Extraction flags FWHM_IMAGE #FWHM assuming a gaussian core [pixel] ELLIPTICITY #1 - B_IMAGE/A_IMAGE CLASS_STAR #S/G classifier output FLUX_RADIUS #Fraction-of-light radii [pixel] # UFig input catalogue parameters: #ID #ID object #x #x pixel coordinate #y #y pixel coordinate #z #redshift of the object #sersic_n #sersic index #n_phot #number of photons rendered for each object #int_r50 #input half-light radius from size distribution #int_mag #input apparent magnitude from luminosity function #int_e1 #input ellipticity e1 from ellipticity distribution #int_e2 #input ellipticity e1 from ellipticity distribution #gamma1 #not used #gamma2 #not used #e1 #galaxy ellipticity e1 #e2 #galaxy ellipticity e2 #mag #apparent magnitude #r50 #half-light radius #kappa #not used #psf_beta #Moffat profile beta #psf_fwhm #PSF fwhm at galaxy position #psf_r50 #PSF half-light radius at galaxy position #psf_e1 #PSF e1 at galaxy position #psf_e2 #PSF e2 at galaxy position #psf_f1 #not used #psf_f2 #not used #psf_g1 #not used #psf_g2 #not used #template_coeffs #linear combination coefficients of template spectra #abs_mag #absolute magnitude from B-band luminosity function #blue_red #blue(1), red(0) galaxy separation #RA #Right Ascension (J2000) #DEC #Declination (J2000)