\ Homepage of Haiyang S. Wang

Haiyang S. Wang


My name is Haiyang Wang. My research domain is in (exo)planet science. I am interested in a broad range of topics such as how the solar system and other planetary systems formed and how their various internal bodies are connected in terms of both physics and chemistry. I have also been developing models (e.g. the volatility trend and the ExoInt code ) to characterize the compositional similarities and differences between stars and planets and to constrain the interior composition and structure of exoplanets. My ultimate goal is to understand habitable worlds including and beyond our own and hence advance Earthlings' future on the "Pale Blue Dot" and elsewhere in the Universe.

In brief, I identify myself:

An exoplanetologist passionate about interdisciplinary studies pertaining to planets and life

With demonstrated research experience in multi-disciplinaries: planetary astrophysics, cosmochemistry, and geophysics

With expertise in numerical modelings of the formation, compositions, interiors and atmospheres of rocky exoplanets

An explorer of chemical fingerprints of habitable worlds within and beyond our Solar System

Career/Life News

January 2024

I particpated in and gave a talk at Rocky Worlds III in Zurich on Towards characterising rocky worlds: Trends in chemical make-ups of M dwarfs versus GK dwarfs

October 2023

I was invited to attend the first Øresund Exoplanet Workshop in Copenhagen, hosted by the Danish and Swedish exoplanet communties.

June 2023

I particpated in and gave a highlighted talk at PALTO Stellar Science Conference 2023 on Building blocks of rocky planets: Trends in chemical make-ups of M dwarfs in comparison with brighter (F)GK dwarfs

September 2022

I was invited to participate in the Lorentz Center Workshop: The Diversity of Rocky Planets 2022 and also gave a joint lecture (together with Hiroyuki Kurokawa and Allona Vazan) on Planet formation and volatile delivery.

I convened and hosted a session Devolatilization During Rocky (Exo)planet Formation: Mechanisms, Simulations, and Observations together with other colleagues at EPSC 2022.

Apart from that, I also gave two talks at EPSC 2022, respectively, on:

The interior diversity of terrestrial-type exoplanets: constrained with devolatilized stellar abundances and mass-radius measurements

No universal devolatilization trend has been found for the solar system rocky bodies

August 2022

I gave a talk at the Latsis Symposium 2022: The Origin and Prevalence of Life on From protoplanetary disks to planetary atmospheres.

May 2022

I delivered a talk (highlighted) at the EGU 2022 on Devolatilisation during planet formation: A hybrid model of chemistry and dynamics

April 2022

The paper "Detailed chemical compositions of planet-hosting stars: II. Exploration of the interiors of terrestrial-type exoplanets" has been accepted by MNRAS for publication. The accepted manuscript is available on arXiv:2204.09558 .

January 2022

The paper entitled "A model Earth-sized planet in the habitable zone of alpha Centauri A/B" has now been accepted to ApJ, and its accepted version is available on arXiv:2110.12565 .

Upon its official publication in March by ApJ ( paper link ), it has received extensive media coverage, such as, by New York Post , Forbes , and physicsworld.org .

December 2021

I gave a talk on "A model Earth-sized planet in the habitable zone of alpha Centauri A/B" for the Virtual (NCCR) PlanetS Researcher Seminar, on 2 December 2021.

October 2021

I submitted a paper, entitled "A model Earth-sized planet in the habitable zone of alpha Centauri A/B", to an AAS journal, and its preprint is available on arXiv:2110.12565 .

The second paper subtitled "Exploration of the interiors of hypothetical exo-Earths", under the series "Detailed chemical compositions of planet hosting stars", has been submitted to MNRAS for review. Based on the paper, I also gaven a talk for the Star-Planet Connection Workshop by ESO, 25-28 October 2021, with the recording available here .

January 2021

On the 43 COSPAR Scientific Assembly (28 Jan - 4 Feb, 2021), I presented "From accurate stellar abundances to exoplanet structures and compositions".

October 2020

My paper, entitled Europium as a lodestar: diagnosis of radiogenic heat production in terrestrial exoplanets , is in press for A&A.

July 2020

On 30th of this month, I talked about a step-by-step approach to constrain exoplant interiors from detailed host stellar abundances in Exoplanets III (Online), Heidelberg.

May 2020

My coauthored paper, entitled Detailed chemical compositions of planet hosting stars: I. Exploration of possible planet signatures , has been accepted for publication in MNRAS.

October 2019

From October 2019 onwards, I have been working as a postdoctoral researcher in the Exoplanets & Habitability Group at ETH Zurich, with a joint support by the NCCR PlanetS funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. Please say 'hi' to me when you're travelling around in Zurich/Bern.

April 2019

My lovely daughter - Matilda - was born on the ANZAC Day (25 April 2019) in Australia. She is the most rewarding gift of my life so far!

December 2018

I received my PhD in Astronomy & Astrophysics at the Australian National University. Here is the link to my PhD thesis (open-access).

February 2014

I concluded my career as an Associated Geoscientist at Baker Hughes Asia Pacific Ltd., to embark on a new adventure as a PhD scholar in Astronomy (Planetary Science) by receiving a prestigious Australian Prime Minister's Endeavour Postgradute Fellowship & Award (one of the top 20, ~ 3% among over 600 awardees for the entire Endeavour program 2014).